Providing Expert Advice
CoalBed Energy Consultants provides expert advice and services to resource and energy clients. We are uniquely positioned as consultants and advisors to the coal mining and Coal Seam Gas (CSG / CBM) industries allowing us to deliver positive results based on a holistic understanding of subsurface processes. Our approach draws on a proven record of accomplishment and the practical application of these skills to create value for our clients.
Our expertise includes:
- Gas related consulting
- Fugitive emission characterisation
- Underground mine reservoir assessments
- Geological services
- Geophysical technologies
- Project management
- Professional training
- Personnel development expertise
We operate independently from major coal and gas operators. We take pride in our professional integrity and aim to be perceived as an ‘honest broker’ on all matters pertaining to coal seam gas characterisation and assessment. We have been actively working in the fugitive emission space for more than a decade delivering practical evaluations of likely future liabilities and participating in strategic studies that work towards decarbonisation outcomes within individual organisations. We are the sole Australian agents for specialised geophysical technologies including the Radio Imaging Method (RIM) and the Slim Borehole Scanner (SBS). As well as, the inventor and distributor of Yabby Geosensing Systems (Yabby).
Our team has worked extensively in developing and mature coal and CSG / CBM basins for a large range of clients, in Australia and overseas. Many of these clients have been with us for many years.